Daisy Info

Age:unknown(adult coded)

species: Cat-Human deformed

likes: Cats, eating bugs, killing, haunting, Satanism, blood, playing doctor, Rock music, shrimps, Rowan (Friendly way), beer

dislikes: the bug dudes, rats, mantis, christianity, dolls, smoking, smoke, "kys", internet


daisy likes wearing black clothes or band T-shirts, she usually wears a hat with cat ears. so silly of her!

Daisy is usually the aggressive type, since her childhood was very harsh, she stills haves touch trauma.

Daisy's favourite band is Hole, Depeche mode and ICP, but she is always listening to Hole

TW: addiction mention

Daisy used to be addicted to Heroin, she had left her addiction at [unknown age]